Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Evolution of Emma Adler by Serafine Laveaux

detail_2310_Evolution_of_Emma_DetailA tale of sexual awakening and comeuppance. This is not your typical spanking novel. The backdrop of Depression Era Texas is rich and full of detail. I felt transported to a time of desperation, a time where so many felt desolate yet longed for more than what life had dealt them. The language absolutely thrilled me because it was spot on for the era. This is a coming of age story about Emma who begins as the target of prejudice common of the era, the victim of slurs against her heritage, and the poverty her family finds themselves in. Doris de Vris likes to pretend to be Emma’s friend. However, everything Doris does comes with an ulterior motive. Emma has resigned to just take it partly believing that she deserves it and partly because to her it’s all worth it for a nickel malt every now and then. An unexpected tryst between the two ensues after discovering Mr. de Vris’ secret stash of photos. Emma’s world has been blown wide open sexually while at the same time she has to overcome Doris turning on her viciously. Her self-discovery continues after an unsavory encounter of dark discipline from Doris’ father. Instead of breaking her spirit Emma finds a personal power within her that had never existed before. She hatches a plan to get revenge on Doris and her father. Her new-found inner voice fuels her on. I enjoyed Emma’s journey through a sweet romance and unlikely friendship that ultimately aides in her perfect revenge.

While this book contains the darker element of discipline I think what makes it so hot is Emma’s developing sense of self and strength that comes out of it. She doesn’t allow herself to be victimized. She takes that power and uses it to empower herself. The discipline is harsh, but hot. The story line is engrossing and exciting. The back story is rich and the characters are incredibly entertaining. In the end this novel goes down as one of my all-time favorites. I would give it five stars in every category. I can’t wait to read The Hickory Switch and find out what happens next.

Buy Now: Blushing Books   Buy now on Amazon

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